Wendy Brizuela

  • Wendy worked as Communication Advisor for the Spanish Agency of International Development (AECID) El Salvador, and currently she is the Communication Advisor of the European Union in El Salvador. 
  • Wendy served as Communications manager for the international communication firm AGA & Associates. In addition, she was Communications Manager for FUDEM El Salvador.
  • Wendy teaches communication, public relations, and marketing classes at universities in Central America.
  • Wendy has extensive experience designing communication and marketing plans with international NGOs and companies. Also she has experience designing creative campaigns for NGOs in Central America.
  • Wendy has a master’s degree in strategic communication and a bachelor’s degree in Institutional Communication, both from the Universidad Centroamerica , UCA.
  • Wendy lives in San Salvador, where she leads the work of Nex Fundraising in El Salvador.