
7 basic digital marketing strategies for Positioning and Fundraising

Digital social marketing is one of the trends that will grow the most in the coming years and where a large part of the efforts in positioning and fundraising of non-profit organizations should focus, especially in crisis situations such as the current pandemic. from COVID-19.

Digital marketing is aimed at a fairly wide range of audiences (20 to 60 years of age). However, we must focus on a more select and digital group of permanent Internet users with medium or high economic capacity, who are used to making purchases online and with great decision-making power; that is, people between 30 and 50 years of age. Let’s briefly analyze the digital marketing strategies that could be taken into account when designing and launching an institutional positioning or fundraising campaign.

1. Digital Media: Both newspapers, radio, and digital television could be effective platforms to massively position their social causes. This type of digital media has spaces programmed for free advertising spots and interview, news, and debate programs, where you can participate as speakers – referents on your organization’s work.

2. Social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are social networks that, used comprehensively and frequently, will generate traffic and positioning from social networks to your organization’s website. To publish and design fresh content every day, you can use apps like Hootsuite and Canva to schedule posts weekly and design interesting and fresh content.

3. Banners or Popups: Advertising banners or Popups are increasingly common to position or raise funds online, which are placed on very specific web pages with high visitor traffic. Popups work very well for sponsorship campaigns, disasters, or social phenomena that generate great national or regional interest. Popups can be placed on high-traffic web pages, such as newspapers, radio stations, and magazines specializing in music, health, sports, tourism, beauty, science, arts, etc.

4. Webinars or Online Sessions: To raise awareness, generate empathy, and reinforce the positioning of our digital campaign, it will be effective to hold webinars on the star social program that I am selling in the campaign to explain the impact it is generating on the participants and the communities involved. Webinars are ideal for attracting a target audience that is eager and interested in learning more about our cause.

5. Institutional website: All our social networks and popups have to direct potential donors to our website to learn more about the “star social program” that is positioning itself and managing funds to make an online donation or generate personal contact with our staff. developmental. Our website must be friendly with different digital platforms, have attractive and updated information on the star program, as well as a button to receive online donations.

6. Institutional Blog: The Blog on the website allows the publication on social networks of news, articles, success stories, videos, or testimonials about the star social program that I am positioning and selling in a campaign. In addition, the blog allows our website to look fresh and updated rather than static, which will offer more confidence to a donor.

7. Live Chat: To make our website more interactive, a Live Chat can be included to facilitate interaction with our potential donors. Live chat will allow donors to contact our development staff directly to ask questions, clarify doubts, or possibly request an appointment. Through the chat, you can reach older donors, who should preferably be visited in person to give large donations through checks or bank transfers.

Share these ideas with your communication, marketing, and development staff, as many of these digital platforms could greatly help position yourself with your target audience and facilitate fundraising through digital campaigns.

AUTHOR: Alejandro Bonilla 

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